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Shattered Worlds Pantheon by Race: Elven Godes

Harro Daeyha

Greater : Deftness : Male : N : Harro Daeyha (“HARR-ow DAY-uh”)

MA: All, Charm, Astral, Chaos, Time, Elemental (Air), Travelers, Combat

MI: Healing, Protection, Wards, Divination, Plant, Animal

Granted Power(s): Temporarily increase rogue skill by 2%/lvl, 1x/day/4 lvls (1 usage of skill); Advance at 1/2 lvl as thief/acrobat

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer et mauris at velit tincidunt gravida eget ac libero. Nulla blandit, velit eu feugiat suscipit, augue nisi aliquet mauris, sit amet luctus nisi ipsum sed tortor. Duis mi diam, ultrices nec enim vehicula, finibus viverra ex. Proin iaculis convallis scelerisque. Nullam in dignissim nunc, id mattis mi. Vivamus viverra facilisis libero non congue. Nunc luctus sodales tellus quis ullamcorper.

Etiam nulla mi, ornare eu eleifend et, viverra a dolor. Cras dui tellus, posuere id pulvinar a, convallis eget neque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur eleifend erat eget aliquet suscipit. Vestibulum ut nulla facilisis, bibendum massa dapibus, condimentum ligula. Donec convallis ante ac risus tincidunt finibus. Ut a ultrices ante, et euismod dolor. Integer mattis in mauris a tempus. Ut malesuada facilisis ex, nec pretium sem aliquam quis. Praesent dignissim ante nec justo cursus, eget blandit leo facilisis. Phasellus mollis efficitur elit, et auctor mauris tincidunt non.

Hiah Layos

Greater : Peace : Female : LN : Hiah Layos (HIyuh LAYos)

MA: All, Divination, Guardian, Healing, Law, Necromantic, Protection, Thought, Travelers, Wards

MI: Creation, Sun, Weather, Numbers

Granted Powers: Soothing Word, Charismatic Speaking

Mini Representation: Angel of Light, Reaper

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id sollicitudin sapien. Praesent et placerat justo, sed placerat lectus. Nunc maximus arcu vitae leo laoreet vulputate. Donec pharetra tortor vitae risus porta vehicula. Nullam auctor at velit at tempus. Sed vel fringilla eros. Nam semper lobortis nisi at accumsan. Nulla dignissim dolor tempor pharetra auctor. Donec tempus tincidunt nulla ac imperdiet. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam dolor lectus, tincidunt sit amet nisl a, malesuada scelerisque nisi. Suspendisse sed sodales neque. Fusce at neque quis ipsum vehicula scelerisque ut a nisi. Ut a felis sit amet felis semper sollicitudin vel ac augue.

Scienna Hye

Demi : The Night : Female : CN : Scienna Hye (“siENNA HI”)

Domains: Darkness, Trickery, Travel, Charm

Subdomains: Night, Shadow, Stars, Moon

Granted Power(s): Invisibility (per spell) at will at night; Darkness 15’ radius 1x/day/4 lvls

General Lore: Ceremonies at night, of course. Maybe the tribes that fallow sleep during the day. So you have a completely nocturnal city. Like a night life town.

How about an owl familiar (wisdom) with TP or empathic connection to the Priest/Priestess? No extra hp's, but it allows the priest(ess) a chance to rest while still having "someone" on guard duty.

Sienna Hi sounds more like an apple OS

Invisibility at level 4 is fine for minutes per day equal to level, expendable in 1 min increments. 

Maybe something cool with a shadow companion at level 8?

Shadow bolt x times per day equal to 3+ wis at first level for 1d6 +1 pt/2 levels of negative energy. Ranged touch

Some ideas - Moon shield P2, Moon Rune W2, Moonbow P4. Upon further reflection, and looking in f&a I forgot how many abilities specialty priests received, damn.

And I can see an Elven God of the Sun, LG. Possibly a twin

Matthew Archibald Not my place to say, but elves never get the necromantic sphere. It’s against their nature.


Demi : Nature : CN (Elven) : Y’ Lashaan (E-lashANN)

MA: All, Animal, Plant, Weather

MI: Elemental (Water, Earth), Sun, Time, Travelers

Granted Power: Control Weather 1x/day

Allies: Jit’Than, Grell Kilbor

Mini Representation: Wood Elf Ariel, Mage Queen of Loren

In one myth, Y’ Lashaan uses a bloodstone as a suppository to make herself pregnant. After nine days of ripening, she begins to give birth, once per day. Each day she gives birth an organ becomes diseased. On the first day of nine, her water breaks and the oceans are formed. On this day her heart becomes sick and she must lie down and close her eyes. On the second day of nine she gives birth to the continents, and on this day her lungs become sick and she must stop breathing. On the third day, she gave birth to the trees and the foliage, fungi and molds, and her liver became sick, and poisons would no longer be ejected from her perfect body. On the fourth day of nine, she gave birth to wildlife, fauna, fish, and beast, and all that creepeth upon Syseria, and her kidneys became sick and she festered with poison. On the fifth day she gave birth to the first 5 dragons, and her muscle tissues became sick. By this point she was completely incapacitated and inert, but continuing to give birth and continuing to contract illnesses. On the sixth day she gave birth to ogres, causing her eyes to go blind. The seventh day yielded goblins to the world, and Y’ Lashaan became deaf. The eighth day brought elves forth to the world, the last of the Natural Races, and her brain became sick. By now she was so diseased, that her last child was a deformed mutation: the Tarrasque was born on the ninth day, and her stomach rotted. She remained in her incapacitated state for millennia before the god of Healing, Solistan, came to her and healed her. The bloodstone never comes out of her.

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